I'm going to give you 3 Glaze recipes for turquoise and a surprise picture. Get the Kleenex.

Recipe one.

Recipe 2
Recipe 2

Recipe 3

Recipe 3.....Potter's Tears....sniff.

 Recipe One:

Frit 3124   30

EPK      10

Frit 3110  55

Wollastonite    5

Copper Carb. 4

Recipe Two:

Frit  3110   1000 grams

Copper Carb. 30 grams

Bentonite   20 grams

Tin Oxide  30 grams   This glaze settles so add some vinegar when mixing.

Recipe Three:

Frit 3110   70

Gerstley Borate   5

Silica   (flint)     10

Soda Ash   10

EPK    5

Copper Carb.   3  This glaze is a beauty but runny, thus the tears!

Fire all glazes to 1800+ depending on your preference for shine. They are soft glazes so don't crowd the bucket or they'll stick together.

Burp the bucket once then lid on until cool. Clean with soapy water and if smoke stain is stubborn I use Comet and a non-abrasive pad. Rinse well.

The black design on the top picture is achieved by pouring and leaving areas unglazed.


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